Friday night, Brian, Jaime, Lena, and Matt and I went out to the Wherehouse in Newburgh. Definitely recommended if you're a vegetarian, because there are lots of options for you and it's a very hipster place. (And if you're a vegetarian, you're likely to be a hipster.)
Mostly everyone slept over at my house, and we got up bright and early to help out at Habitat for Humanity. Maybe "help" is a relative term. Lena and I strung up temperamental work lights for TWO HOURS before graduating to screwing in some screws. (I always feel like such a girl whenever I volunteer here. The site managers take one look at me and are like, "You go hold a ladder somewhere.")
Later that day we hiked up Bear Mountain with my sister.
I did this hike a couple of years ago with Brian (who happens to be a cross-country runner) some other friends and almost died of out-of-shapeness. Brian had called back from several dozen yards ahead, "Just think of how proud you'll feel and how worth it it'll be at the top."
I huffed to myself and thought hotly, "Yeah, I don't subscribe to that whole go-for-the-gold thing? I'd rather be a quitter and not sweat to death." Did you catch my pun? hehe
This time, though, it wasn't so bad. I could actually appreciate the view at the top because my head wasn't between my knees!
The hike was a great time to laugh and talk and watch Brian get chased by a bee for half a mile. We drove home that night, stopping only at Lena's cousin's house to jump fully clothed into their pool.
And now, to make up for all those words you just had to read, enjoy these pictures, via Design*Sponge.

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