The only problem was that our tire-mounted bike rack kept falling off on the way to the Cape and then shattered our rear window later in the week, resulting in a wonderfully expensive and stressful repair and replacement. But apart from that, smooth sailing!
Pics to come, hopefully.
Seriously, it was so nice to be detached from my computer, phone, and TV (except for movies with the fam) for the week. I forget how time consuming and energy sapping those can be. Of course, as soon as I got home I went online and discovered that a million people had written to me and it took forever to get back to everyone, and then I had to check all the blogs I follow, and the instructions for reupholstering a chair on Little Green Notebook were sort of complicated to envision so I just HAD to study those... and I ended up being on my computer for like five hours the night I got back. My mother mocked me, "You kept saying how much you loved being away from technology and you haven't left your screen for an entire day except to complain for food!"
So apparently my priorities change by day. WHATEVS MOM!!
Also, I found a new favorite blog: Oh Happy Day. The author, Jordan, is living in Paris for a year with her family and has gorgeous photos of all the pretty Parisian stuff (the technical term) that she encounters.

All via Oh Happy Day.
I loved hearing this update on what you've been up to.